
We will find all clothing items with the photo you like and will help you buy a similar one for your budget

FINDLOOK — a personal AI stylist, that:

Will Identify and find links to clothing item from any photo

Will suggest similar alternatives (in design and style) from brands for your budget

Will find clothes you like from your favorite brand and redirect you to the store

How it works

  • Upload a photo

    Our AI solution recognizes even the most complex cases: a screenshot from Instagram, a street photo or a social media photo.

  • bag Choose an item

    If there is an item is in the photo, we will find it 100%. (Poor photo quality may reduce accuracy)

  • Choose the best store to buy your item

    We will show you all available stores where you can find this item. We will also suggest the most similar items from different brands

Product range

At the moment, we searching using the database of the largest online stores.

  • Farfetch
  • Zalando
  • YOOX
We are also actively cooperating with local designers and searching using the database of 100+ brands

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